Kids and Sports: Losing Interest and Why

Our Kids and Sports: Losing Interest and Why? Our children are our future and they need lots of encouragement. These challenges are worthy of our digging into. Children under the age 14 look at things different from adult or may I say Parents. They lose interest if it’s not fun and adults sometime try to professionalize practices. Let’s look at the many challenges our children are facing in Their Sports World.

Kids and Sports: Losing Interest and Why
  • Parents Expectations many times living out their own desire for the child. We are all guilty of not looking at the progress of our children on a daily basis. Their fear of failure to those involved and their parents.
  • Loss of Enjoyment, fear of being replaced by pressure to perform. Their Sports world becoming to competitive may be apart of this. Completion come on a personal level to them, then the team level.
  • Time Commitments, balancing school, sports, and other activities. This tends to lead to fatigue from over scheduling to much.
  • Negative Experiences, whether from a team mate or a coach. Them being Bullied or just a negative interaction takes the Fun out of it instantly.
  • Some Solutions and Encouragement, as they grow into the sports life. And it is a life which each of us has our favorite team. Right! Providing positive reinforcement and support for them and each day point out the progress they may not be seeing. It also lets them know you were watching them not playing on the phone.

Arts and Crafts, have grown in the last few years from the days of Chalk and Crayons. They can really get into painting, drawing, sculpture, and playing with clay is growing. This offers more down time ME time for them. Cooking and Baking, letting them try new recipes or your simple pancakes. Even showing them online community cooking classes and online community cooking clubs. Gardening, has it’s own way for excitement as they not you plant the seed. Water it and watch that watermelon or sunflower grow.

Time a lotted Tech and Gaming, with all the popular genres and platforms. They have much to offer for entertainment and growth in the ways to maximize their experience. There are many benefits and potential downsides with this and may need to start with a A LOTTED TIME SET.

Social and Community Interaction, help them to grow and interact with others. Today there are so many different ways to become involved with others. From school clubs, local clubs, and fund raising events. Participating in events and other completions in your area.

We seemed to have lost the lessons of Goal setting and teaching them to our children. And this is a simple as Catching that baseball in the glove or bouncing a basketball. Yes Riding that bike for the first time was a GOAL. And believe me I would not stop till I could ride it from daylight till dark mom knew where I was. With both skinned knees and I did it! Our helping them to see that goal setting is ok and a plan behind it is even better.

We have looked at Kids and Sports: Losing Interest and Why for a way to help us to lead our children into seeing there progress in life and daily look to their growth. We each owe everything we can to uplift our children to be more by being better ourselves for them. May it FUN and Keep it FUN for them.

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